Delicious Asian Snacks for All Occasions
Everybody wants and hopes to be the best host ever. To do so one puts in a lot of effort from the food to the ambience to activities to behaviours. You do everything you can to make your guests stay or visit to your place the best possible one. In the process one needs to bring something new to the table, everytime. Be it the guest or the host the best yet the most confusing content happens to be the food.
There are so many cuisines in the world that are now also available in your country through supermarkets. For example a person in Germany can get Asian snacks, gifting food items and what not from Asian supermarkets in Germany which they can serve to their guests or carry as a token of appreciation to someone's house. These snackables are for every occasion and the wide range helps you get something new and unique every time.
Having guests over and don't know how to make their experience unique? Get authentic and premium quality snacks, frozen foods, sweets, etc from Spice Village Supermarket in Berlin, Germany. Providing the best Indian and Asian groceries, snacks, sweets and frozen food items from these countries, Spice Village has you covered.
The Asian cuisine has various mini cuisines engulfed. With so many options to choose from, how do you realise which snacks are the best for your guests and your taste? In this article we will talk a bit about some famous and delicious Asian snacks and the ingredients used to make them for you to serve to your guests.
1. Sky flakes crackers: One of the oldest cracker companies, Sky flakes offers the best crackers in town. Originating in the Philippines Sky Flake crackers are one of the most popular baked saltine crackers. Sky flake Crackers are delicious and have a crisp taste. Each stick retains an oven-baked freshness. It is a mouth watering snack that one can serve to guests, or enjoy in between meals. It also serves as a substitute for rice as it complements many entrees. Crackers are usually eaten with dips, spreads, cheeses and other combinations of toppings, making it perfect for creative finger foods and appetizers for guests. Get Sky flake saltine crackers at Spice Village an Asian market in Berlin, Germany.
2. Oreo: Kids favourite cookie! Oreo is a cream filled cookie with biscuits on either side. Oreo comes in two flavours and has started launching various other alternatives to its original biscuits too like Oreo cookie and Oreo cereal. Children and the younger generation especially love Oreo and are crazy about its taste. Mostly enjoyed with a cup of milk, orea also serves as the perfect snackable to break ice with guests.
3. Orion chips: This brand has managed to pave its way into the hearts of millions all over Asia and is spreading its wings in other countries too. Korean popular brand Orion’s new Turtle Chips with sweet corn soup flavour are unique four thin layered snackable of Korea. They can be served with dips and sauces as starters or with a beverage to be enjoyed as a light meal.
4. Calbee Potato Sticks -- Jagabee (Butter Soy Sauce): Another delicacy to die for! Calbee has taken over the world with its mouth watering potato sticks. When you expect these to be regular old french fries, Calbee’s butter soya sauce flavoured potato sticks, Jagabee will blow your mind away with its deliciousness. This on the go Japanese snackable is made using hand picked premium quality potato turned into sticks and flavored with a butter soy sauce seasoning to bring out the best flavours and aroma.Who can resist this good combination of salty and sweet?
5. Kjeldsens: The cookies of the world stand no chance in front of one of the world's most highly manufactured and consumed butter cookies from Kjeldsens. Based in Hong Kong Kjeldsens manages to run through the hearts of millions all around the globe. The best and most beautiful blend of an age old, unique and hidden recipe, mixed with premium quality butter and vanilla extract and the loyalty to the craftsmanship and traditional baking beauty.
These are just a trailer of the hundreds of Asian snacks, sweets, namkeens, candies, biscuits that are available throughout the world at very reasonable prices for you to purchase. Now you don't have to worry about monotony because with Asian snacks this delicious and versatile you will easily win over all your guests and be the best host, or totally catch your host by surprise and be the best guest they have ever had. Make every occasion the best one yet with Asian and Indian snackables from Spice Village in Berlin, Germany providing same day delivery in Berlin and free shipping all over Germany. Hop on the Asian cuisine express and have the most joyous, filling and delicious ride ever.
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