Some Must Try Asian Cuisines and Their Popular Dishes


The largest continent on Earth, Asia is home to 48 countries and for those who travel across this continent it is an experience of a lifetime. From big and rapidly developing countries like Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia to poor, underdeveloped yet beautiful countries like Bhutan and Afghanistan, and the 2 most populated countries on the planet, China and India, Asia has it all.

The bigger the continent, the more are the variety of meals, dishes and cuisines included in it. As Asia is a big continent with many countries, so does the type of food it offers. Ranging from very spicy to very sweet, from aromatic dishes to healthy dishes, every cuisine has perfected its way to health and taste. Spice Village, an online Asian shop in Germany, provides people of Europe with premium quality and a wide range of Indian and Asian products, brands and ingredients. 

Spice Village is an online store providing people living in Europe with the best Indian and Asian products, groceries and ingredients at pocket friendly prices. There are various perks of being a frequent Spice Village shopper, like great deals and discounts, same day delivery in Berlin for fresh groceries, reasonable prices and free shipping in Germany and various other European countries. 

Here are some of the most popularly consumed for you to make Asian cuisines and their famous dishes. Try some out for yourself and be a part of the global Asian market as well as the Asian market in Berlin

1.      Central Asian Cuisine – Inspired by neighbouring Countries, Cuisines in Central Asia are very similar to each other. 

  • Beshbarmak – The Traditional food of Kazakhstan, Gets its name because people used to eat this with their hands. Boiled noodles, finely chopped meat, and flavors from onion sauce makes this the go to dish for taste and tradition.

  • Shashlik – Grilled cube meat along with onion and tomato and sometimes other vegetables, this dish is cooked using skewers, but don’t think they taste like kebabs. 

  • Lagman Soup – Traditional signature Uzbek dish, Lagman is a soup made from meat, vegetables, and noodles. This also comes in a dry version.


1.      East Asian Cuisine – This Cuisine is Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, Taiwanese, and Tibetan food. Make delicious Asian cuisine meals at home using ingre from Spice Village one of the best, Asian supermarkets in Germany


  • Kung Pao Chicken – A very famous Sichuan style dish, this dish is very popular among the Chinese and outside China too.

  • Udon – Made from very thick noodles, this traditional dish is very popular in Japan and comes in very different and distinctive flavors and styles.

  • Chimaek – Short for two things you will love, Chicken and beer. This dish is fried chicken and Beer. You definitely shouldn’t miss this.


1.      North Asian Cuisine – Well, as most of north Asia is a part of the Russian Federation, this Cuisine can also be called the Russian cuisine. But as hard as they look, Russians also love food as much as we do.


  • Pelmeni – Traditional Russian Dish, pelmeni has many different adoptions in the country. Made by mixing beef, lamb, and pork, the Dish is said to have its origins in China


  • Beef Stroganoff – Created in a competition, this Dish was a go to dish for the rich Russians, Easy to prepare and very tasty.


  • Borsht – Originally made in Ukraine, this dish was adopted in Russia too. With Dozens of ingredients, this dish takes time to make, even up to 3 hours. But it is totally worth the wait.


1.      South Asian Cuisine – Mostly Includes dishes from India, this cuisine has less beef, as cows are considered holy in the country.


  • Dosa – One of the most rice consuming country, India uses the ingredient rice in many different tasty and healthy dishes. Made from fermented rice and lentils, this is ever loved dish in India.


  • Chole Bhature – This dish comes from Punjab, State in India. Spicy, and heavy this is a must try dish, made from Chickpea and a variety of spices, this dish is a staple of the Punjabi Cuisine.

  • Biryani – Brought in the country by Invading Mughals, this dish is now a part of the culture. Made from rice, chicken, or meat with many flavorful spices, slowly cooked to perfection.


1.      Southeast Asian Cuisine – Light dishes with strong aromatic components, this cuisine is full of herbs and spices.


  • Amok – Cambodia’s national dish, this is a tart fish curry, with custard like sauce of coconut milk, this is a staple and very distinctive dish.

  • Mohinga – The famous Noodles, made from rice with fish soup. It is the staple of Myanmar, and is loved for its taste and aromatic ingredients.

  • Hainanese chicken rice – Singapore’s favorite recommendation, this food is taken seriously and yes, it does taste seriously good. 


1.      West Asian Cuisine – West Asian cuisine includes middle eastern cuisine and South Caucasus cuisine.


  • Kushari – This tasty carbohydrate overload food is the go-to lunch food of Egypt. Made with rice, macaroni, and lentils, topped with Garlic, vinegar, tomato sauce, and garnished with chickpea and fried onions.

  • Dizi – This traditional dish dates back for more than a hundred years, essential stew made from tomato, lamb, and chickpeas. It is served in a stone dish, called Dizi.

  • Sis Kebap, Turkish Seekh Kebab – Originated from Turkey, Sis Kebap is now loved all over the world. Chicken, lamb, or fish, either is skewered and roasted to perfection with added vegetables in between.

Make every day special with a special home cooked meal selected from the long list of delicious Asian cuisine dishes in Germany by purchasing products from Spice Village online supermarket.


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